Random Subspace Ensemble

Yang Feng (New York University)

We propose a flexible ensemble framework, Random Subspace Ensemble (RaSE). In the RaSE algorithm, we aggregate many weak learners, where each weak learner is trained in a subspace optimally selected from a collection of random subspaces using a base method. In addition, we show that in a high-dimensional framework, the number of random subspaces needs to be very large to guarantee that a subspace covering signals is selected. Therefore, we propose an iterative version of the RaSE algorithm and prove that under some specific conditions, a smaller number of generated random subspaces are needed to find a desirable subspace through iteration. We study the RaSE framework for classification where a general upper bound for the misclassification rate was derived, and for screening where the sure screening property was established. An extension called Super RaSE was proposed to allow the algorithm to select the optimal pair of base method and subspace during the ensemble process. The RaSE framework is implemented in the R package RaSEn on CRAN.

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